Namaami sa vismayam

Namaami sa vismayam, nrityena…

I bow in wonder, through dance…

Central to the tradition of Indian classical dance and music is bhakti, or devotion. It is this devotion and wonder that unites the items in the repertoire of this performance. Beginning with an invocation to the earth, the dancer salutes Ganapathi the elephant-god, Siva the infinitely beautiful mendicant god, Devi the cosmic mother, and a sleeping infant who is the embodiment of innocence, before ending with an exuberant nrittam, or abstract rhythmic dance, reveling in the wonder of dance, the ankle bells and the musical instruments. The performance concludes by venerating the nine celestial bodies believed to deeply influence human life.

Namaami sa vismayam was performed in April 1998 in Singapore in benefit of BOSCO: Street kids of Bangalore, India