Restless Natives was a performance based on elements of both Navashwaasam and One Hundred Years of Silent Seeds, but adding live music as well, with Denali DeGraf on charango, Native American flute, and percussion. Â Restless Natives was performed across the United States and Canada in 2007, traveling coast to coast performing entirely on the gift economy. Â Performances were done in theaters, college campuses, community centers, community gardens, and cafes; during political events and antiwar conferences, for international aid groups, farm crews and high school students, and in many other situations. Â Tickets were never sold, audience members contributed as they saw fit after the show. Â The one hour show, which dug deep into tender and complex socio-political issues, was always followed by a discussion with audience members, which ultimately became more important than the performance itself.
 Click here or here for more on the project.